Super-Resolution Imaging of Synaptic Function
Sirtuin3 ensures the metabolic plasticity of neurotransmission during glucose deprivation (Links to an external site)
Journal of Cell Biology
Two forms of asynchronous release with distinctive spatiotemporal dynamics in central synapses (Links to an external site)
Rapid astrocyte-dependent facilitation amplifies multi-vesicular release in hippocampal synapses (Links to an external site)
Cell Reports
Myosin V Regulates Spatial Localization of Different Forms of Neurotransmitter Release in Central Synapses (Links to an external site)
Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience
Spatiotemporal dynamics of multi-vesicular release is determined by heterogeneity of release sites within central synapses (Links to an external site)
Nanoscale Organization of Vesicle Release at Central Synapses (Links to an external site)
Trends in Neuroscience
Myosin V functions as a vesicle tether at the plasma membrane to control neurotransmitter release in central synapses (Links to an external site)
Activity-Dependence of Synaptic Vesicle Dynamics (Links to an external site)
Journal of Neuroscience
Spatiotemporal Regulation of Synaptic Vesicle Fusion Sites in Central Synapses (Links to an external site)
Actin/Myosin-V- and Activity-Dependent Inter-synaptic Vesicle Exchange in Central Neurons (Links to an external site)
Cell Reports
Differential motion dynamics of synaptic vesicles undergoing spontaneous and activity-evoked endocytosis (Links to an external site)
Synaptic and Circuit Mechanisms of Fragile X Syndrome/Autism
Circuit-based intervention corrects excessive dentate gyrus output in the fragile X mouse model (Links to an external site)
FMRP regulates GABAa receptor channel activity to control signal integration in hippocampal granule cells (Links to an external site)
Cell Reports
Channelopathies in fragile X syndrome (Links to an external site)
Nature Reviews Neuroscience
Voltage-Independent SK-Channel Dysfunction Causes Neuronal Hyperexcitability in the Hippocampus of Fmr1 Knock-Out Mice (Links to an external site)
Journal of Neuroscience
Characterization of a Mouse Model of Börjeson-Forssman-Lehmann Syndrome (Links to an external site)
Cell Reports
Increased Persistent Sodium Current Causes Neuronal Hyperexcitability in the Entorhinal Cortex of Fmr1 Knockout Mice (Links to an external site)
Cell Reports
Genetic upregulation of BK channel activity normalizes multiple synaptic and circuit defects in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome (Links to an external site)
Journal of Physiology
Altered Neuronal and Circuit Excitability in Fragile X Syndrome (Links to an external site)
GABAB receptor-mediated feed-forward circuit dysfunction in the mouse model of fragile X syndrome (Links to an external site)
Journal of Physiology
Independent role for presynaptic FMRP revealed by an FMR1 missense mutation associated with intellectual disability and seizures (Links to an external site)
FMRP regulates neurotransmitter release and synaptic information transmission by modulating action potential duration via BK channels (Links to an external site)